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...亚醉酒。最后大卫写信给约押,借助敌人之手,使乌利亚杀。Yet David remained oblivious to his sin. A little leaven leavens the whole dough. To cover up his wrongdoing, David recalled Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, but Uriah did not return home. David then deceitfully made Uria...
发表于 2024-09-02 19:56:53

...手中,还有何所畏惧!主啊,兴起我们为你而去,使更多仇敌压制的孩子归向你,赞美你!With our whole life in the hands of the Lord, what else is there to fear! Lord, raise us up to go for You, so that more children who are oppressed by the enemy will turn to You ...
发表于 2024-09-16 19:27:45

...es have I been unfaithful to you, yet you remain eternally faithful. 当我圣灵感动,每一次与你所立的约,每一次的祷告和献上自己,都记在你的心上。When I am moved by the Holy Spirit, each covenant I make with you, each prayer, and each self-offering are remembered...
发表于 2024-08-02 19:17:04

以利神拣选做祭司,却因着藐视神,尊重自己的儿子过于尊重神,使自己的子孙后代都落在咒诅之下。神实在是轻慢不得的。Eli was chosen by God to be a priest, but because he despised God and respected his own son more than God, his descendants fell und...
发表于 2024-07-01 18:18:52

...是百夫长信从有航海经验的船主和掌船的,不信从“囚”的保罗所说的。Paul sought God in all things and received revelations from Him: this voyage would result in the loss of not only the cargo and the ship but also lives. However, the centurion trusted the exper...
发表于 2024-06-21 20:17:46

...兴旺,越发广传,看不见的国度有两股势力在交战,彼得希律下在监里,教会却切切为他祷告神. The way of God was prospering day by day, spreading ever wider and farther. In the unseen realms, two opposing forces were in battle. Peter was imprisoned by Herod, yet ...
发表于 2024-05-30 20:39:09

...d. Although they have died, they still speak by faith. 主啊,当我罪迷惑,心地刚硬时;当我失去信心,仇敌欺压时;当我落在咒诅之下无望时,谢谢你的爱不放弃我,谢谢你差你的仆人来坚固我的心。Lord, when I am deceived by sin and my ...
发表于 2024-06-03 19:54:36

...处、义无反顾、冒险听命前行,因此他成为万国的祝福,称为信心之父。Abraham's faith has moved and inspired countless people. He gave up all his rights and benefits, obeyed without hesitation, and ventured forward, thus becoming a blessing to all nations and being calle...
发表于 2024-05-17 19:50:02

...有为众教会挂心的事,天天压在他身上(林后11:28)。他主拣选成为主的器皿,呼召为义受许多苦难。Besides everything else, He faced daily the pressure of his concern for all the churches(2 Corinthians 11:28). Being chosen by the Lord to be the Lord’s v...
发表于 2024-05-27 19:47:57

...十字架的爱,你的复活,征服万人的心,今天我的心再次你征服,Lord, Your life, Your love on the cross and Your resurrection, touched the hearts of millions. Today, my heart is once again touched by You.主啊,我是你手中的器皿,是你建造的房屋,Lord, I am...
发表于 2024-04-05 18:45:32
