...,聚会每场必到,甚至以自己知道很多的知识为可夸的,被迷惑至深,还以这知识为生命了。Lord, please forgive us for liking to listen to new doctrines, attending every meeting, and even boasting of our knowledge. We are deeply deceived and regard this knowledge as o...
...告靠圣灵治死身体的恶行,让基督的心在里面掌权,那才被神称是神的儿子…Only day by day, believe, believe every time. Rely on the Holy Spirit and pray. The Holy Spirit has the power to mortify selfish desires and evil deeds, Only… in every envir...
...知道何为爱?主为我们舍命,为我们的罪流血牺牲,最后被钉在十字架上,我们从此就知道何为爱。Only by returning to the Lord can we truly know what love is. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us, shed His blood and sacrificed for our sins, and was fina...
...来就近光,照出我们里面一切的黑暗,各种罪恶的权势,被光显明了,承认并离弃,悔并且改,就可以得蒙神的应许。But this promise comes with conditions. We must come into the light regularly, allowing it to expose all the darkness within us and the power of...
...tred, which allowed the evil spirit to oppress him more. 要么放纵罪,被撒但踩在脚下受折磨,要么靠着圣灵,治死肉体的恶行,得着能力践踏蛇和蝎子。One can either indulge in sin and be tormented under Satan's feet or rely on the Holy Spirit, put to death the dee...
...日述说祂的公义和救恩。每一天我们舌头上的话,有多少被圣灵引导,使神得荣耀呢?God will condemn us by the words of our mouths, and He will also judge us by our words. Our lips should praise God and speak of His righteousness and salvation all day long. How many of ...
...他的人回到洗革拉,不料,城已烧毁,他们的妻子儿女都被掳去了。When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive.在巨大的灾难中,这些身经百战的勇士一起放声大哭,直哭得没...
...会羞愧,骄傲来羞耻就来,弃绝带来羞愧,但是信靠这位被弃绝却蒙拣选的房角石,我们的生命因祂而不一样。When people rely on themselves, they face shame. When pride comes, then comes disgrace. Rejection brings shame. Yet, if we trust in this rejected bu...
...民族,但因着不信,恒久地背道,不肯回头,这真橄榄枝被砍下来。因着信,救恩临到了我们这些原本不是子民的外邦人。The Israelites were God's chosen people, but because of their
unbelief, persistent apostasy, and refusal to turn back, the true olive bra...