教会逼迫越大,神迹奇事越多,教会复兴被圣灵充满,爱主的人更愿意与主亲近,和圣灵有好关系,他们放下自己吃喝的权力,为要得着圣灵更大的能力,为主而去。The greater the persecution of the church, the more miracles and wonders occur. ...
大卫打败巨人歌利亚,不单不被尊崇,反而被追杀,David defeated the giant Goliath, but instead of being honoured, he was hunted down. 他为了躲避扫罗,逃到迦特王亚吉那里,To avoid Saul, he fled to King Achish of Gath. 被认出之后他甚惧怕,在他们手...
...early manifested the work of the Holy Spirit.圣灵大浇灌,他们完全被圣灵掌权,被圣灵带领,无我,忘我地沉浸在圣灵地喜乐满足之中,心完全的被神占据,充满感恩,诚实,喜乐,赞美,The outpouring of the Holy Spirit wasevident, as they were comp...
...nkind brings God praise.司提反的殉道,教会大遭逼迫,信徒们被追杀,看似被黑暗笼罩,若没有神的许可,这事必不会发生,Stephen's martyrdom led to severe persecution of the church, with believers being hunted down. It seemed as though darkness had overshadowed ...
...sake of the Gospel, testifying to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.人心被主得着,他们不畏惧黑暗权势了,属灵的胜过了属黑暗的,The hearts of people are won over by the Lord. They were no longer afraid of the powers of darkness; these people with Holy Spirit prevailed ove...
...us gospel and the hope of eternal life. 主啊,此时此刻我的心被这份真爱,不求回报,毫无保留的爱深深的感动,因着他们的顺服舍己才有了今天福音被广传。Lord, at this moment, my heart is deeply moved by this true, unreserved love. It is through the ...
...的道,进入神的国必须经历许多的艰难。在路司得,保罗被石头打得昏了过去,醒来之后,继续前行,不顾个人安危,只为传扬主名。They strengthened the disciples and encouraged them to remain true to the faith, teaching that “We must go through ma...