...所发的力量是大有功效的,就像以利亚,他是旧约圣经中被称为有信心的伟大先知。Jacob said that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective, just like Elijah, the great prophet of faith in the Old Testament. 他为了唤醒以色列悔改归正,向巴...
...责功用不同,却是彼此搭配,一同为真理做工,使主的名被高举,被传扬,神国被扩张。Though their roles and functions were different, they worked together for the truth, so that the name of the Lord was exalted, spread, and the kingdom of God was expanded.主说:无...
彼得强调我们之所以被赎回是倚靠基督的宝血,基督付上死的代价,流出宝血,将我们从罪中赎回来,使我们得着真自由。Peter emphasised that the reason we were redeemed was through the precious blood of Christ. Christ paid the price of death and ...