... who killed another unintentionally might flee there. 但故意杀人的必被治死。押沙龙因怀恨在心,有计划有预谋地杀了暗嫩,逃亡到基述。照律法,他不能进入逃城。But those who murdered with intent were to be put to death. Absalom, filled with hatred, plotted...
...: "He has risen! He is not here." 她们明知耶稣的肉体已死,被存放在洞穴坟墓里,她们还要尽情竭力的爱主,为主预备香料,献于主身。Though Jesus was dead and His body was placed in a tomb, they still passionately loved the Lord, preparing spices for Him,&...
...od and evil.体贴圣灵,需要读经、祷告,不怕拒绝自己,或被人否定自己,To care for the Holy Spirit, you need to read the Bible and pray, not be afraid of rejecting yourself or being denied by others.靠圣灵光照里面的“人的意思”,凭信心背起自己...
...为神得荣耀可以不顾性命,为弟兄、骨肉之亲,就是自己被咒诅,与基督分离,他也愿意。他为我们做了敬虔的榜样,忠心于主的托付,爱神爱人讨神喜悦。He was willing to risk his life to glorify God and even expressed willingness to be cursed an...
圣灵降临在使徒们身上,他们便得着能力被圣灵充满,讲道扎心,信徒几千几千的增长,阵势浩大,When the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, they were filled with power and their sermons touched people’s hearts. Thousands of believers were added, and t...
...er Adam sinned, the whole world fell under the power of the evil one.我们被世界的价值观迷惑,顺从肉体的情欲、眼目的情欲并今生的骄傲,落在咒诅中,如同亚当一样。是耶稣来到这个世界,成为世界的光,照亮我们,拯救我们。We are deceived...
...and filled with God's power and wisdom.他在每一件事小事上忠心,被上帝所得着,也被人所称赞。他的信息和人生只有一个中心,以智慧和圣灵说话传讲基督,高举基督。He was faithful in every small matter, won over by God, and praised by people. His mess...