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...睛老板、上级、权柄人物的不好,心中满了不服、论断、苦毒…自己作了神还不晓得。Yet, in the workplace, we often focus on the negative aspects of our bosses, superiors, and people in authority, filling our hearts with dissatisfaction, judgement, and bitterness&h...
发表于 2024-10-14 19:00:43

...顺服神的旨意,甘心退位。他没有去安度晚年,也没有去苦毒恼恨以色列人,而是在爱中忠心守望。Samuel completely submitted to God's will and willingly abdicated his throne. He did not spend his remaining years in peace, nor did he become bitter and resentful of t...
发表于 2024-07-15 20:09:47

...ent, like a sheep led to the slaughter.耶稣的口里和心里没有怨恨苦毒,还为罪人祈求…耶稣教导我们要爱仇敌,也亲自为我们做了榜样。There was no bitterness in Jesus’ words or heart, and He prayed for sinners... Jesus taught us to love our enemie...
发表于 2024-10-16 18:54:15

...中了牠的诡计,看人看环境,讲对错理由,被拒绝伤害,苦毒不饶恕,自卑自怜,委屈都上来了…The enemy is also very diligent, wandering around looking for people to devour. As long as we don’t abide in the Lord and choose to love the world and ourselves...
发表于 2024-10-29 19:02:03

...工价?就是种什么就收什么,种了多少的不饶恕、论断、苦毒、愤恨恼怒、看不惯、不感恩、嫉妒比较等等,收的果子全是毒害、罪孽,被罪深深缠累捆所,不能得自由,这个叫工价。The wages of sin is death. What are the wages? It means t...
发表于 2025-01-28 01:43:54

...,那我不要说话了。嘴里不说,心里仍然止不住地论断、苦毒、不服、嫉妒…经上说,心里充满的,嘴里就说出来。Some people say, "Then I won’t speak." However, even if the mouth does not speak, the heart can still be full of judgment, bitterness, d...
发表于 2024-11-20 19:01:23

...ou.主,在你的光中,我才看到自己的心满了争竞、嫉妒、苦毒、埋怨、自私、自爱、骄傲、自大、背逆、不信、惧怕、贪婪…Lord, in Your light, I see my own heart filled with strife, jealousy, bitterness, complaints, selfishness, self-love, pride, arrog...
发表于 2024-10-07 20:25:58

...t is my pride,自义、self-righteousness, ,贪婪、greed,诡诈、deceit,苦毒、bitterness,论断、judgment,无知…ignorance...叫我与你隔绝。that separates me from you."我才是应该被钉上十字架的,"I am the one who should have been nailed to the cross,你却代替我的...
发表于 2024-03-26 17:52:44

...om doing so.纵然扫罗一次次追杀大卫,大卫在逃亡中,放下苦毒、仇恨、报复的权利。Even though Saul pursued David repeatedly, David, while fleeing, set aside bitterness, hatred, and the right to revenge. 他服在神所设立的权柄之下,看重扫罗的性命。He su...
发表于 2024-08-09 20:14:56

...ment is too bad; or because God doesn't speak either…我才抱怨、苦毒、自己行动的…求主赦免我是何等的愚昧,因着不信神的话,信自己的判断善恶,离弃神自行,把自己陷在咒诅之中…I complain, become bitter, and act on my own… ...
发表于 2024-07-17 18:30:14
