...人说不好时,我就难过,不悦、羞愧、甚至因心受伤就说苦毒的话…But when others criticized my work, I felt sad, displeased, ashamed, and even spoke bitter words because my heart was hurt. 带着这样一个肉体的律,当我信了你,我就照着圣经要求,去...
...ill not accepted. 怎么做都不对,心中就发怒、不服、委屈、苦毒…基督全然信靠顺服天父,No matter what I do, it is never right, and my heart grows angry, resentful, bitter, and unwilling to submit… But Christ fully trusted and obeyed the Father. 被钉死在...
...herd and sorrow to Your Holy Spirit.罪的工价就是死。顺从心中的苦毒、委屈、嫉妒、争竞、贪财…使我与你隔绝,成为罪的奴仆,落在咒诅之下,没有福乐来到。The wages of sin is death. When I yield to bitterness, self-pity, jealousy, strife, and gre...
...和脚…百夫长亲眼目睹了耶稣全程没有咒骂、怨恨、苦毒,还为罪人代求…Eight-inch nails pierced His hands and feet... The centurion witnessed Jesus endure the entire process without cursing, resentment, or bitterness, and even intercede for sinners...那一刻...