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...让我看到自己的内心不是基督,耶稣为我的不信、骄傲、自义、贪图人前虚浮的荣耀…而死,我的旧人才是该被钉死的,Lord, thank You for raising up various tests to show me that my heart is not yet like Christ's. Jesus died for my unbelief, pride, ...
发表于 2025-01-14 23:42:31

...外表和人前的荣耀,把杯盘外面洗净,却不见自己内心的自义和骄傲,不合己意就恨人杀人,满是死人骨头的臭气。Lord, thank You for shining the light of truth into my heart through the path of the Jews. What do I value? Like the Jews, do I focus on religious ...
发表于 2024-05-22 02:29:09

...回转到你面前,与基督的心对版,定意除去自己的骄傲、自义、愤怒、仇恨、报复…Lord, please stop all my reckless actions and save me from sin. Please give me a humble heart to accept the correction of those around me, so that I can stop making excuses, deny my ow...
发表于 2024-08-12 20:23:39

...h, and confront my sins with the truth. 治死自己里面的骄傲、自义…Put to death the pride and self-righteousness within me. 耶稣恨恶罪,却怜悯罪人,为罪人舍命,求主的爱充满我,使我操练饶恕、接纳,用怜悯代求代祷,向审判夸胜...
发表于 2025-01-12 23:54:28

...他一同受苦,为顺服神,叫己意受苦,不得放纵易发火、自义的己,Lord, help me to endure suffering with Christ, to crucify my own will, and to put to death my fleshly desires—anger, self-righteousness, and self-indulgence.  要成为在真理里基督掌权...
发表于 2025-02-12 20:06:01

...魂的生命需要凭信,借圣灵真理的光照,照出己的自私、自义、自我中心等败坏,舍己背起自己的十字架,向“己”的意思、私欲死,叫基督的真理一点点掌管魂的地土。Amen! Our salvation does not depend on our own actions. We cannot b...
发表于 2025-02-17 18:40:14

...我心,照出我里面不合真理的动机——“自私、自义、自夸、自满”I surrender to Your guidance—shine Your light on the motives within me that are not aligned with Your truth: selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, and self-satisfaction. ——...
发表于 2025-02-14 18:42:11
