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...迹。彼得在跟随的过程中,曾大大地跌倒,认识到自己的肉体是何等的败坏。God calls us by His glory and miracles. Peter witnessed the glory of Jesus’ transfiguration on the Mount and saw Jesus perform countless miracles with his own eyes. In the journey of following...
发表于 2024-10-30 18:53:06

...身,求神在生活中吸引自己认出里面属自己,属私欲,属肉体的声音,In their daily lives, they practise being aware of God and viewing problems from His perspective. They ask God to draw them closer, helping them to discern the voices of self, selfish desires, and the flesh ...
发表于 2024-12-08 21:07:56

...差人劝说大卫,使押沙龙可以回家。这也正好体贴了大卫肉体的思想。押沙龙没有悔改,最终起来造反被杀。Yet King David, longing for his son, was persuaded by Joab to allow Absalom to return. This suited David's natural affections, yet Absalom had not repented,...
发表于 2024-09-06 20:19:05

...claimed to them: "He has risen! He is not here." 她们明知耶稣的肉体已死,被存放在洞穴坟墓里,她们还要尽情竭力的爱主,为主预备香料,献于主身。Though Jesus was dead and His body was placed in a tomb, they still passionately loved the Lord, preparing s...
发表于 2024-03-31 02:43:20

...and the power of sin.圣灵有更新和改变生命的能力。我若顺从肉体活着,必要死;若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着。 The Holy Spirit has the power to renew and change lives. If I live by the flesh, I will die; but if I live by the Holy Spirit and put to death ...
发表于 2024-04-09 19:35:22

...的训练和纠正,自保,选择逃离你洁净自己的工作,照着肉体所愿的去活着,享受罪中之乐。Lord, please forgive us for all our sins. We fear pain and suffering in our circumstances, reject Your training and correction, protect ourselves, and choose to escape from Your...
发表于 2024-12-12 23:06:19

...我多少年来,为追求这世界上虚假短暂的荣耀,顺从各种肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,今生的骄傲,Lord, please forgive me for the years I have spent chasing after the false and fleeting glories of this world, following the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,...
发表于 2024-10-08 19:25:13

...s!" David listened to Joab's advice. 大卫作为一个父亲,陷在肉体天然的感情中,为押沙龙的死而忧伤难过,这一刻忘了神的公义,忘了自己是这个国家的君王,差点铸成大错!As a father, David was caught up in the natural emotions of the flesh an...
发表于 2024-09-11 18:33:46

...our faith growth. 主感谢你,让我们知道,信心不在乎我们的肉体,不在乎我去多少次聚会,听多少道,读多少经,搞多少宗教活动…Thank You, Lord, for teaching us that faith is not about our flesh, not about how many times we attend the congregations, li...
发表于 2024-04-04 18:50:21
