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...呢?真正的福是属灵生命的祝福,因为凡世界上的事,像肉体的情欲、眼目的情欲、并今生的骄傲都要过去,惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远常存。 上帝向人指明一条真正有福的道路,以祂为首,遵祂为大,日日在祂面前仰望,...
发表于 2023-05-21 19:52:19

发表于 2024-03-19 06:03:04

...神、对人常存无亏的良心,活出荣耀神的见证。不再体贴肉体放纵私欲在死亡的线上徘徊,为罪而受苦,让你的名受辱,Yes, Lord, our lives are a testimony to You, carrying visions and missions, following Paul's example of keeping a clear conscience before God...
发表于 2024-06-20 22:38:37

... finding excuses for myself...求主赦免我,靠圣灵入门,却在靠肉体行事,今天神儿子的生命在我里面,我当来听从祂。Lord, forgive me. Though I enter Your house through the Holy Spirit, I still act in the flesh. Today, the life of the Son of God is within me, and I m...
发表于 2024-03-29 18:26:58

...ence with anger, hatred, or resentment.但在生活中,为什么我们的肉体还会起跳起来, 跟人争吵呢?顺从谁就做谁的奴仆。Yet in daily life, why does our flesh still rise up and argue with others? The one we obey becomes our master. 我们信:如果和...
发表于 2025-01-23 23:41:53

...服神的命令的道上。原来不是因着主人不好,是因着我的肉体是卖给罪的。May the Lord forgive us for walking the path of rebellion against God and disobeying His commands. It turns out that it is not because the master is bad, but because my flesh is sold to sin. 主...
发表于 2024-10-14 19:00:43

... not our responsibility—it is Yours.我们是罪人蒙恩,我们的肉体是卖给罪的,是无有良善,需要每天每时与你对焦,为罪为义为审判自己责备自己,及时处理罪的问题,因罪的工价是大的。We are sinners saved by grace. Our flesh is ensla...
发表于 2024-12-03 23:54:22

...么放纵罪,被撒但踩在脚下受折磨,要么靠着圣灵,治死肉体的恶行,得着能力践踏蛇和蝎子。One can either indulge in sin and be tormented under Satan's feet or rely on the Holy Spirit, put to death the deeds of the flesh, and gain the power to trample on serpents a...
发表于 2024-07-26 20:01:41

...ns under a curse. 求你赦免我,专注做事,不顾内心,放纵了肉体的私欲,错过了许多得着你丰盛生命的机会。Forgive me for being so focused on my works, neglecting my heart, indulging the desires of the flesh, and missing many opportunities to receive the fullness of...
发表于 2024-10-07 20:25:58

肉体是卖给罪的,无有良善,终日所思想的尽都是恶。保罗再次肯定的说,没有义人,一个也没有,惟有神才是义。上帝向那有律法,并力图行律法的说,凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义和自夸,The flesh is sold to...
发表于 2025-01-16 00:02:05
