...在于你,把所赐的归于耶和华为圣,与你同心同行,献上自己,献上心中所爱,只为主的旨意成就,All focus is on You, dedicating what is given to the Lord as holy, walking in unity with You, offering ourselves and our loved ones for the fulfilment of Your will.在...
...rdinary, but as a great joy.保罗历经艰险,屡次冒死,不以自己的性命为念,甘愿为基督成为带锁链的使者,虽然为主的缘故终日被杀,如将宰的羊,但是他所发出的却是得胜的凯歌。Paul faced hardships and risked his life many times; he did ...
...然定睛在你身上,单单倚靠你,看重和你的关系,不再把自己交给人,得人前的虚荣、面子、自尊、肯定……Lord, you are such a faithful Lord. May your spirit of David move upon me twice as much, so that even when I am despised and forgotten, my heart c...
...luenced generations of saints.反之,藐视神的人必被神轻视,爱自己甚于一切的人,他的道路崎岖,终日不见福乐来到,On the contrary, those who despise God will be despised by God. Those who love themselves more than anything else will have a rough road and will not ...
...那么重要。生命不长进,停滞不前,原来都是因为顺从了自己天然人的思想,吃分辨善恶树的果子,就死了,又与神隔绝了。It turns out that "obey the flesh or the Holy Spirit" is so important on the road to believing in the Lord. Life does not progress and ...