...你许多的百姓(家里、小区、邻舍、公司等等),你不救自己救罪人的这份爱从未改变过,愿感动保罗的心也感动我,能以你的心为心,为福音的广传付上舍己的代价。Lord, at this moment, my heart is stirred—there are many of Your people ...
...我什么才是真正的爱主,爱主是不顾性命的,爱主是不爱自己,爱主是要以受苦的心志作为兵器,借着患难困难是为了让我更明白从基督来的爱。Lord, thank You for telling me through Paul what true love for the Lord is. To love the Lord is to disregard...
...o hate sin,常思想你的话,to constantly meditate on your words,否定自己的意思,to deny my own desires,依靠你的恩典,to rely on your grace,遵行你的旨意,to obey your will,使我更深与你合一,to deepen my union with you,用你的爱把身边像我一样的孤儿也...
...lf.完全顺服神所赐的考试,把生命完全交在神手中,不以自己的性命为念,只愿神的旨意成就,十字架成为他的冠冕。He completely submitted to the test God had given him and placed his life entirely in God’s hands. He did not worry about his own life but...
... at a distance! 耶稣本有神的形象,却降卑成为奴仆,把自己打造成什么都不是。Jesus, being in very nature God, humbled Himself to become a servant, making Himself nothing.祂为救我们顺服至死,且死在十字架上,父将祂升为至高,赐给祂超乎万有...
...列中有神!争战的胜败全在乎耶和华!大卫高举神的名,自己也被神高举。The young David defeated Goliath with a stone, letting the whole world know that there was a God in Israel! The victory or defeat of the battle belongs to the Lord! David exalted God's name, and he him...
... He did not open His mouth.谦卑的主为父的旨意成就,为爱舍了自己,默默无声,全然顺服至死,且死在十字架上,成了。The humble Lord fulfilled the Father’s will, giving Himself out of love, silently and completely obedient unto death, even death on a cross. ...
...属灵争战,不看敌方多么凶猛、嚣张、阵势浩大,也不看自己年轻矮小,人单力薄,They live by faith, not by sight. David did not focus on the external circumstances; he saw the spiritual battle. He did not see how fierce, arrogant, or large the enemy was, nor did he see...
... was glorified. 是的,属灵争战是何等残酷,当我们选择自己的道路,就被仇敌追赶、欺压、迫害、甚至丧命,失去遮盖和保护;Yes, spiritual warfare is very cruel. When we choose our own path, we are pursued, oppressed, persecuted, and even killed by the ...
...s our faith.每天行出活人之道,丧己,爱主,敬畏祂,献上自己当作活祭,凡事寻求,完全顺服,迎接每一个考试。We daily walk the path of the living, deny ourselves, love the Lord, fear Him, offer ourselves as living sacrifices, seek Him in all things, fully obe...