..., and our life, actions, and existence all depend on Him. 我们凭着自己寻找神,就像在黑暗中摸索。主啊,谢谢你道成肉身来到地上,来寻找拯救我们这些失丧的人。Our search for God on our own is like groping in the dark. Lord, thank You for becoming flesh...
...面疑惑的心,有不信的恶心在里面拦阻做成神的工,因信自己总是被有限的理性束缚着,不亲眼目睹总是不信,甚至看见了神迹仍然不信 It is the doubting heart within me, the unbelief that obstructs the work of God, as trusting in myself is always confin...
...得着能力,胜过一切仇敌的能力,他们不畏惧生死,不以自己的性命为宝贵,When the Holy Spirit came upon them, they received power to overcome all their enemies' forces. They did not fear life or death, nor did they consider their lives precious.他们只有一个目的...