...备和管教,求你的圣洁公义掌管我,使我恨恶罪恶,钉死自己,转向你的真理,爱你所爱…Lord, thank you for your precious blood and cross, thank you for your rebuke and discipline. Please control me with your holiness and righteousness, causing me to hate sin, cr...
...的救恩何等浩大!这恩召有何等的指望!主啊,让我记得自己的本相,是何等的不配!Lord, how great is Your salvation! What hope is in this calling! Lord, let me remember my true self, how unworthy I am!我要向你献上感恩,我的生命属于你,我一生要为你...
...e and full of divine strength.主,求你赦免我,多少时候,照着自己的意思祈求,只想让神帮我解决问题、医治疾病、得地上的好处…Lord, forgive me. How often have I prayed according to my own desires, seeking only for You to solve my problems, heal my sickn...
...es.主,你是何等的忍耐,使我在失败跌倒之中,更深认识自己是卖给罪的,我的旧人是该与你同钉十字架的!Lord, how patient you are! You make me realise more deeply that my old self has been sold to sin, and it should be crucified with You in my fai...
... forever. 大卫敬畏神,耶和华与敬畏祂的人亲密,祂将自己的约指示他。David feared God, and the Lord was close to those who feared Him, showing him His covenant.大卫所有的经历和他对神的认识,向我们显明追求属灵成长的路,从得救进入得胜...
...圣灵帮助我,因信你的应许,甘心遵行你的命令,除去靠自己行律法,跟神做交换,拜偶像的心,Lord, You have come to give us abundant life. How did You obey the Father’s command? Please help me through the Holy Spirit. Because I believe in Your promise, I am ...
...,祂的道路高过我们的道路,愿意完全的顺服,甘心牺牲自己,只愿神的旨意成就。因祂看圣民之死极为宝贵。By faith, we acknowledge that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways. We are willing to obey completely and sacrific...
...,你的爱就向我显明了,Your love was revealed to me,救我不救你自己,saving
me without saving Yourself,把爱活在伤口,showing your love for us, by suffering the affliction of your wounds,使我的气息还存,keeping my breath alive,生命还在,my life intact,因感...
...谢谢你给我们机会悔改。我们转向你,你就转向我们。靠自己必败,靠着耶稣必得胜!纵然人会失败,神的旨意与计划永不失败!Lord, thank You for Your love and discipline. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to repent. When we turn to You, You turn to...
... the unjust.你的爱如此之坚强,到死都不走开,救我们不救自己,为我们做了榜样。主耶稣说:若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我,为要承接祂的使命。Your love is so strong that it never leaves, even unto death; it save...