这是大卫的临终之言,并不是出于他自己,而是从神而来的预言。These are the final words of David, not spoken from himself, but as a prophecy from God. 大卫年少时,不被父母重视,却被神所拣选。被膏立作王之后,迎接他的却是逃亡。In his youth...
...able. 从前我活着,就是为身体、肚腹,吃得好、穿得好,自己肉体舒服,别人也夸我,我就引以为豪。In the past, I lived for my body and my appetite—seeking good food, fine clothing, and physical comfort. I took pride when others praised me. 但是你真理...
...so reap. 当人恒久背道,心里刚硬,定意不肯悔改,必承受自己罪恶的后果。When a person persists in his apostasy, hardens his heart, and resolves not to repent, he will suffer the consequences of his sin. 每当神宣告审判时,总是给人时间悔改。Whenever God pro...