...ds from God.主啊,惟有你是这一切的源头,仅此一生,献上自己当作活祭,裂开自己,倾倒我们所有,这是我们今生所求,实行施比受更为有福。Lord, only you are the source of all this. In this life alone, you offer yourself as a living sacrifice, split ...
...你兴起考试,不是为了毁坏我们的信心,而是让我们认识自己到底在信什么。Lord, I thank You for bringing tests into my life, not to destroy my faith, but to reveal what I truly believe. 平时我说我信神凡事都能,信神是良善的…但是遇到试验的环...
...得每一分钟都是考试,在考试面前我选择爱神还是选择爱自己。Lord, please forgive our foolish sins. We do not believe that the root of our troubles lies in You. We fail to recognise that every moment is a test. In the face of trials, should I choose to love God or myself?犹...
...work to this very day, and I too am working.” 神提醒我们在自己的使命上觉醒,耶稣基督道成了肉身,住在我们中间,他代替我们承受了神对罪的震怒,因此我们有了得救的盼望。God reminds us to awaken to our mission. Jesus Christ became flesh...
...ws.当那人愿意倾倒一切只为爱你,浸泡在你的爱里,不爱自己,行义,敬畏主,尊主为大,背起自己的十字架,以丧己来讨你的喜悦,你是知道的,When someone is willing to pour out everything solely to love You, immersing themselves in Your love, not...