...so reap. 当人恒久背道,心里刚硬,定意不肯悔改,必承受自己罪恶的后果。When a person persists in his apostasy, hardens his heart, and resolves not to repent, he will suffer the consequences of his sin. 每当神宣告审判时,总是给人时间悔改。Whenever God pro...
...主,这一生,你救赎我,我是属你的,求你掌管我,思想自己和众人的结局,脱离活在人前,Lord, you have redeemed me in this life; I belong to you. Please take control of me, help me reflect on my own life and the lives of others, to break free from living for the ap...
...我,没有真的信你的话,像撒拉一样,顺服、尊重丈夫,自己想作王,离弃了神,却做了愚妄妇人,拆毁了自己的家。Lord, forgive me for not truly believing Your word and for not being like Sarah, who submitted to and respected her husband. I desired to be the...
...耶稣的道路…被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的主。Peter and John walked the path of Jesus, God’s righteous servant…when they were reviled, they did not retaliate; when they suffered...
...意,他就静心等候,有了神的旨意,他就靠主行动,不看自己人单力薄,只信得胜在乎耶和华。When God’s will had not been revealed, he waited patiently. Once he received God's will, he acted by relying on the Lord, not considering his own weakness but believing...