...e is, if we place it in His hands, He will do great things for us.当人靠自己就会羞愧,骄傲来羞耻就来,弃绝带来羞愧,但是信靠这位被弃绝却蒙拣选的房角石,我们的生命因祂而不一样。When people rely on themselves, they face shame. When pride come...
...数的神迹。彼得在跟随的过程中,曾大大地跌倒,认识到自己的肉体是何等的败坏。God calls us by His glory and miracles. Peter witnessed the glory of Jesus’ transfiguration on the Mount and saw Jesus perform countless miracles with his own eyes. In the journey of ...
...onger.扫罗家起初很强大,但他悖逆神,违背神的命令,行自己眼中看为正的事,神离开了扫罗,不与他同在,扫罗家就日见衰弱,成为神子民的借鉴。Saul’s family, on the other hand, was very powerful at first, but Saul rebelled against God, vio...
...效法了基督。因着无数忠心的仆人跟随耶稣的榜样,献上自己,我们才得以听到福音,得着拯救。When he was leaving Ephesus, he exhorted the elders of Ephesus to follow his example as he had followed Christ. Because of countless faithful servants who followed the exa...
...牠遍地游行寻找可吞吃的人,我们只要不住到主里,又信自己,爱自己,骄傲自高,就会受到谎言之灵,敌基督的灵攻击。Satan is the father of lies. He roams around looking for people to devour. As long as we do not remain in the Lord, put our trust in ourse...
...ngers to spread the Gospel.我愿意被你差派,被圣灵充满,预备自己,日夜思想耶稣基督并祂钉十字架的真理,愿耶稣的大爱感动我、激励我,摆上自己,更多的为灵魂祷告。I'm willing to be sent by You, filled with the Holy Spirit. I prepare myself b...
...我贪图地上短暂的钱财、物质、好处,以外貌断定别人和自己的贫富,却忘了自己的身份。Lord, forgive me for craving temporary earthly wealth and benefits, for judging others and myself based on outward appearances of poverty or riches, while forgetting my true identi...
...的丢特腓,行善的低米丢。丢特腓行恶,与神为敌,突显自己,用恶言妄论属神的人,他不但不愿接待神的使者,还禁止别人接待,并把愿意热心接待的人赶出教会,John wrote to Gaius specifically mentioning two men: Diotrephes, who did evil, an...
...filth?你为爱我,喝了那苦杯,张开双手,甘心为我牺牲把自己钉在十架上,流尽最后一滴血。Because of Your love for me, You drank the bitter cup, opened Your hands, willingly sacrificed Yourself for me, and allowed Yourself to be nailed to the cross, shedding the last...