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...神的儿女,然而我仍在孤儿的思维里,用手所做的,证明自己,做不到,就惧怕、生气、责怪、为自己找理由….Returning to the Father's house, becoming a child of God, yet I am still operating with an orphan mentality, trying to prove myself with my own eff...
发表于 2024-03-29 18:26:58

...级、权柄人物的不好,心中满了不服、论断、苦毒…自己作了神还不晓得。Yet, in the workplace, we often focus on the negative aspects of our bosses, superiors, and people in authority, filling our hearts with dissatisfaction, judgement, and bitterness… We eleva...
发表于 2024-10-14 19:00:43

... refuge in Him.阿们!Amen! 何等美好应许,我们什么时候承认自己的软弱,投靠祂,祂的刚强就覆庇我们,作我们的盾牌,救我们脱离凶恶。What a wonderful promise — whenever we admit our weakness and take refuge in Him, His strength will cover us, be o...
发表于 2024-09-22 19:40:52

神照着自己的形象造人,为要彰显神的荣耀。然而从亚当开始,世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。God created man in His own image to manifest God's glory. However,ng with Adam, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.罪使我们满面羞愧,我们...
发表于 2025-01-17 00:03:05

...闻,有属灵的见识,我们不是与属血气的争战,竭力保守自己的心,谨守警醒,用爱和饶恕来击退仇敌的诡计。We must always remain prepared, not relying on what we see or hear, but rather having spiritual insight. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. We ...
发表于 2024-10-29 19:02:03

...不凭眼见,断事非不凭耳闻,为进入永生竭力在地上预备自己跟神建立亲密的关系。But God constantly gives us opportunities to repent, so that we can unite with Him, have the heart of Jesus Christ, think about heavenly things every day, do what is right in the eyes of ...
发表于 2025-01-28 01:43:54

...t the Father gave His one and only Son to reveal His love for us. 真知道自己是神所爱的,神赐我生命气息,我属于神,还惧怕什么呢?When I know I am loved by God, the One who gives me life and breath, what is there to fear?惧怕里含着刑罚, 惧怕的人,在爱里...
发表于 2024-12-28 01:14:25

耶稣这名的意思,就是要将自己的百姓从罪恶中救出来,保罗说,他只知道耶稣基督并祂钉十字架…The meaning of the name Jesus is to save His people from their sins. Paul said he knew only Jesus Christ and His crucifixion.耶稣的名涵盖救恩的全部&hel...
发表于 2024-05-06 18:33:25

...,只配得被击杀,因为我们从里到外,满身是罪污。凭着自己,我们永远无法靠近你。Without holiness, no one can see the face of God! O Lord, in our own state, we deserve to be struck down, for we are full of sin inside and out. By ourselves, we can never draw near to Y...
发表于 2024-10-07 20:25:58

...embrace humility. 使徒保罗说:“如今我们活着不是为自己活,乃是为我们死而复活的主活,” The apostle Paul said, "Now we live not for ourselves, but for Him who died and rose again for us." 我们所要追求的,乃是基督的荣耀,在基...
发表于 2024-11-10 18:46:58
