...,只配得被击杀,因为我们从里到外,满身是罪污。凭着自己,我们永远无法靠近你。Without holiness, no one can see the face of God! O Lord, in our own state, we deserve to be struck down, for we are full of sin inside and out. By ourselves, we can never draw near to Y...
...embrace humility. 使徒保罗说:“如今我们活着不是为自己活,乃是为我们死而复活的主活,” The apostle Paul said, "Now we live not for ourselves, but for Him who died and rose again for us." 我们所要追求的,乃是基督的荣耀,在基...
...e is, if we place it in His hands, He will do great things for us.当人靠自己就会羞愧,骄傲来羞耻就来,弃绝带来羞愧,但是信靠这位被弃绝却蒙拣选的房角石,我们的生命因祂而不一样。When people rely on themselves, they face shame. When pride come...
...数的神迹。彼得在跟随的过程中,曾大大地跌倒,认识到自己的肉体是何等的败坏。God calls us by His glory and miracles. Peter witnessed the glory of Jesus’ transfiguration on the Mount and saw Jesus perform countless miracles with his own eyes. In the journey of ...
...onger.扫罗家起初很强大,但他悖逆神,违背神的命令,行自己眼中看为正的事,神离开了扫罗,不与他同在,扫罗家就日见衰弱,成为神子民的借鉴。Saul’s family, on the other hand, was very powerful at first, but Saul rebelled against God, vio...