.... Who can take His life away? 耶稣说:没有人夺我的命去,是我自己舍的。我有权柄舍了,也有权柄取回来,这是我从我父所受的命令(约10:18)。 Jesus said, "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I h...
曾经耶稣三次说自己要受死,并要复活,门徒没有听进去。Jesus had said three times that He would die and rise again, but the disciples didn't grasp it.耶稣被出卖,门徒都逃跑了。听说耶稣复活了,门徒仍是不信。When Jesus was betrayed, the disciples all...
...华,定意冒死忠心顺服至死,出于他的默然不语,只管尽自己当尽的本分,保守自己的心,切切祷告掌管万有的主,到了神的时间就看到全能的主施行奇事。God is never late; He watches from heaven to see who is seeking and who understands. When peo...
... and upright! What a person sows, they will also reap!求你赦免我,为自己的罪受苦,遭灾难的时候,常常抱怨神,责怪人,自以为有理,自以为义…神公义的判断决不更改。Please forgive me for suffering because of my sins. When I encounter disasters, I ...
...awaits us to come before Him, asking and receiving.主,求你赦免我信自己,信眼见耳闻的判断,时常被表面现象所欺骗。Lord, forgive me for trusting in myself and in what I see and hear, often deceived by outward appearances. 求你救我脱离一切属地、属...
...天天思念天上的事,积攒财宝在天上,寻求智慧的心数算自己的日子,为永恒的盼望作预备。We should think about heavenly things every day, store up treasures in heaven, and seek wisdom to count our days and prepare for eternal hope. 主啊,你为救我舍了...
...神的儿女,然而我仍在孤儿的思维里,用手所做的,证明自己,做不到,就惧怕、生气、责怪、为自己找理由….Returning to the Father's house, becoming a child of God, yet I am still operating with an orphan mentality, trying to prove myself with my own eff...
...级、权柄人物的不好,心中满了不服、论断、苦毒…自己作了神还不晓得。Yet, in the workplace, we often focus on the negative aspects of our bosses, superiors, and people in authority, filling our hearts with dissatisfaction, judgement, and bitterness… We eleva...
... refuge in Him.阿们!Amen! 何等美好应许,我们什么时候承认自己的软弱,投靠祂,祂的刚强就覆庇我们,作我们的盾牌,救我们脱离凶恶。What a wonderful promise — whenever we admit our weakness and take refuge in Him, His strength will cover us, be o...
神照着自己的形象造人,为要彰显神的荣耀。然而从亚当开始,世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。God created man in His own image to manifest God's glory. However,ng with Adam, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.罪使我们满面羞愧,我们...