...ires sacrifice, it yields the fruit of goodness.主,求你赦免我们用自己的标准去讲理由对错,顺从心中的不高兴、不舒服去发酵,发展到黑脸、恨人、苦毒、不饶恕…Lord, forgive us for judging right and wrong by our own standards, for yielding to the d...
...,等于在宣告:我的神是死的,我的困难大过神,我要靠自己…Worry is a manifestation of unbelief and pride. When we worry, it is equivalent to declaring: My God is dead, my difficulties are greater than God, I have to rely on myself…于是忧虑:没钱...
... 求主赦免我们的心是何等狭窄作恶,思想的都是关乎自己的利益得失,生死荣辱,May the Lord forgive us for our narrow-mindedness in doing evil. We often think only about our own gains and losses, life and death, honour and disgrace. 看到仇敌遭报都是暗自...
...罪受苦了才真正认识至高神,认识祂的公义和圣洁,认识自己的罪,痛悔、转道,神的爱就临到,我们不至消灭,是出于祂诸般的慈爱,因祂的怜悯不致断绝。It was good for us to be afflicted so that we might learn God’s decrees. Only after ...
...d, and they honored the apostles. 使徒们的勇敢,舍己,不以自己的性命为念,为福音不惜一切代价,见证主耶稣的复活。The apostles were courageous, selfless, not counting their lives dear for the sake of the Gospel, testifying to the resurrection of the Lord Jes...
...灵,不再荒废度日,时候到了现在就是了,要积极的预备自己,迎接主的再来。Peter’s repeated calls, dear brothers, show his eagerness to love God’s people, awaken our sleeping spirits, and no longer waste our days. The time has come, and now is the time....
...告你,赞美你,求你带领我也这样信靠你!求你赦免我看自己,看环境,就哀嚎哭泣,灰心无望…Lord, how did David only look to You, call on You, and praise You in the midst of circumstances? Please lead me to trust You in the same way! Please forgive me for lo...
...肉体的享受,眼睛被世界的荣华所吸引,就想要去得,以自己所拥有的和手所做的为夸耀,Lord, our hearts are filled with everything in the world. We pursue the pleasures of the flesh. Our eyes are drawn to the glory of the world, so we desire to obtain it and boast ab...
... of the kingdom, and God could be the king of all Israel. 大卫深知自己是谁,是神所膏立的,他的一切都是神所赐,David knew who he was—that he was anointed by God and that everything he had was given by God. 当约柜被寻回,神的同在和神的荣耀充满时...
使徒约翰称自己是:耶稣所爱的那门徒,约翰经历过道成肉身的耶稣的爱;最后的晚餐上,耶稣为门徒洗脚,赐下彼此相爱的命令;he apostle John called himself: the disciple whom Jesus loved. John
experienced the love of the incarnate Jesus; at the last...