...dom of heaven with the power of the Holy Spirit.主啊,我不要再顺从自己的私欲,犯罪又认罪;我要选择你的道路,用真理来抵挡谎言,不爱自己,爱神——遵行你的命令,得着祝福!Lord, I no longer want to follow my own desires, sin, and contin...
...otter: "Why did you make me like this?"主,你是造物主,我却忘了自己是谁,把自己当神,甚至比神还高,来定罪神不公义…Lord, you are the Creator, but I forgot who I am and regarded myself as God, even higher than God, to condemn God as unjust...主,求你赦...
...爱,寻寻觅觅到最后都是伤害,因人里面根本没有爱,把自己交给人就是交给伤害。People know that love is good. Everyone longs for love, but they often end up hurting after searching for it, because there is no true love in people. Giving oneself to others is giving one...
...than's trust in God, God allowed the Israelites to prevail. 扫罗却凭着自己血气,要求百姓起誓,不吃食物去杀敌;又让祭司把约柜抬来;又要求百姓夜里追赶非利士人…However, acting on his own flesh and blood, Saul required the people to swear an oath an...