...祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。完成这使命的代价却是舍了自己的生命。All people in the world have sinned. Who is willing to save sinners?
Who can save sinners? When Jesus became flesh and came to earth, He wanted to
save His people from sin. The cost of completing this miss...
...;信”出了问题。There must be an issue with my "faith." 我若信自己眼见耳闻的判断,不信属灵的真实,就不可能赶出自己和别人身上的鬼,就无法经历耶稣大能的医治和拯救…If I believe in my own judgment based on what I see and hear, rather t...
...promise. 面对非利士人的攻击,他依然凡事求问神,不依靠自己的能力。When faced with attacks from the Philistines, he continued to seek God's guidance in all matters, not relying on his own strength. 大卫靠着神胜过仇敌,把敌人撇下的神像,用火焚烧了(...
我们常说:主啊,我爱你!怎样才是爱神?不是凭自己说的。真理的标准是:遵守神的诫命,就是爱他了。于是,看到神的命令,要奉献,于是把钱财献上;We often say: Lord, I love You! But what does it mean to love the God of Love? It’s...
...你所爱的你就责备管教,借着大卫的失败,让我们看到了自己肉体本相的罪性和软弱,体贴肉体就是死,Lord, You rebuke and discipline those You love. Through David's failure, we can see the sinfulness and weakness of our flesh. To indulge in the flesh is death.离...
...to return... 主啊,求你赦免我离弃了你,与你为仇,随自己的意念,走在背逆的道上…Lord, please forgive me for forsaking You, for being opposed to You, and walking in rebellion according to my own desires…主啊,我为自己的罪受咒诅,本是该...
...cause of love, we are redeemed by You. Please forgive me.求你赦免我,自己得了赦免,却抓着别人的恶不放,成为人归向你的拦阻。世人如何得以认识你呢?岂不是借着我们这些信你的人,活出你的爱和饶恕,使人看到你的荣美吗?Please forgi...