...到我们,是何等的恩典!求你继续施恩,带领我们不依靠自己能力,靠着你的圣灵,回应你的呼召。Lord, what a glorious calling has come to us, and what amazing grace! We ask that You continue to bestow grace upon us, leading us to rely not on our own strength but o...
...在肉体(亚当)里,就是罪的奴仆的心,是害怕的。害怕自己做得不好,被人说,不被肯定,不被尊重,不被爱,就拼命靠自己,讨人的欢喜。In the flesh (Adam), the heart of the slave to sin is fearful. Fearing that I do not do well, being critic...
...为什么我们仍然会感到软弱、失败?关键在于靠什么?靠自己,在亚当里,我们就是罪的奴仆,失败者。然而靠着爱我们的主耶稣,在基督里,我们是新造的人,If victory has been achieved, why do we still feel weak and defeated? The key ...