...信的人真实地遇见复活的主,经历到祂的大能,就开始把自己的物品拿出来共用,甚至变卖田产、家业,去供应有需要的人,欢喜快乐地分享食物。When all the believers truly encountered the risen Lord, experiencing His power, they began to share thei...
...手能以争战,甚至我的膀臂能开铜弓…大卫并没有靠自己的力量争战,他深知神是他力量的源头,是他得胜的根源。God sets me securely on high places. He taught me that my hands can fight, and even my arms can draw a bronze bow... David did not rely on his...
...建立,你的旨意何等美好…主啊,你谦卑虚己,隐藏自己的荣耀权柄,埋没自己在尘土般的世人中间,顺服至死,如同一粒麦子落在地里死了…Not only was the gospel spread, but also the disciples’ love, faith and their lives greatly mat...