保罗在亚基帕王面前受审时,讲到自己人生的转变,是在大马色路上所见的异象,对王说:我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。When Paul was on trial before King Agrippa, he talked about the transformation of his life, which was the vision he saw on the road...
...ving as an example for the flock.做牧人不是来发号施令,让人听自己的,是来做群羊的榜样。Being a shepherd is not about giving orders or making people listen to oneself; it is about setting an example for the flock. 不是为了得利益,去讨好人,不是出去勉强,...
...祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。完成这使命的代价却是舍了自己的生命。All people in the world have sinned. Who is willing to save sinners?
Who can save sinners? When Jesus became flesh and came to earth, He wanted to
save His people from sin. The cost of completing this miss...