...人前争竟比较,嫉妒是骨中的朽烂,惧怕人不惧怕神,让自己陷入死地。We should learn from Saul and not repeat the same mistakes. We often live for the approval of others, competing and comparing. Envy is the rottenness in the bones. We fear people instead of God and lead o...
...从心开始,True circumcision is not physical; it from the heart.因信自己没有良善,在考试来临时,靠着圣灵的能力,让自己的私欲受苦,心受割礼,钉死自己,得着基督的心为心…Recognising that there is no goodness in oneself, when the test co...
...ned to place all our sins upon His Son Jesus. 主耶稣啊,你宁可自己遭咒诅,与神分离,也要救我们。Lord Jesus, You were willing to endure being cursed and separated from God in order to save us.在你最痛苦的最后那刻,你心里没有自己,你挂念的,全是...
...oo bad; or because God doesn't speak either…我才抱怨、苦毒、自己行动的…求主赦免我是何等的愚昧,因着不信神的话,信自己的判断善恶,离弃神自行,把自己陷在咒诅之中…I complain, become bitter, and act on my own… Please fo...