...到我们,是何等的恩典!求你继续施恩,带领我们不依靠自己能力,靠着你的圣灵,回应你的呼召。Lord, what a glorious calling has come to us, and what amazing grace! We ask that You continue to bestow grace upon us, leading us to rely not on our own strength but o...
...信的人真实地遇见复活的主,经历到祂的大能,就开始把自己的物品拿出来共用,甚至变卖田产、家业,去供应有需要的人,欢喜快乐地分享食物。When all the believers truly encountered the risen Lord, experiencing His power, they began to share thei...
...手能以争战,甚至我的膀臂能开铜弓…大卫并没有靠自己的力量争战,他深知神是他力量的源头,是他得胜的根源。God sets me securely on high places. He taught me that my hands can fight, and even my arms can draw a bronze bow... David did not rely on his...