...上说,耶和华看圣民之死极为宝贵,他们为神的荣耀不爱自己,宁可牺牲自己的生命,只愿神的旨意成就,The Bible says the death of the saints is extremely precious in the eyes of the Lord. They do not cherish their own lives for the glory of God, but would rathe...
... the plan of the wicked and was determined to bring disaster on Absalom.神自己做大卫坚强的后盾,使信靠祂的人永远稳固。God Himself was David's strong backing, ensuring that those who trust in Him will always remain stable. 主啊,你是在人的国中掌权的神,你...
...,看环境就惧怕,听从人的话,人都是瞎眼和说谎的。信自己,照着自己认为好的去行事,自己却是罪的奴仆。Lord, please forgive me for fearing the circumstances and listening to human words, for all men are blind and deceitful. I trust in myself and act accord...
...复活的大能,我们的旧人与主同钉十字架,活着的不再是自己,而是耶稣在我们里面活着,被圣灵更新、引导行事为人,活出耶稣的公义和爱,才是真的义人。But through the power of Jesus’
resurrection, our old self was crucified with Him. ...
...ay and every choice he made was to honour the Lord and put God first.不以自己的性命为念,也不以自己的性命为宝贵,任何时候都是把自己的生死、利益得失置之度外,惟求神国的荣耀,He didn't care about his own life, nor did he regard it as precious. At any...
...营垒,撒旦恼羞成怒,恨人杀人,司提反也为真理,为救自己骨肉之亲,被自己弟兄杀害…撒旦的别名就叫迷惑和抵挡,就是迷惑人来抵挡神的…Stirring up the stronghold of sin within the Jewish people, Satan became furious and hateful, inci...
...uides us into all truth.圣灵来为叫我们为罪、为义、为审判,自己责备自己。借着圣灵的光照,我们可以悔改转向真理。圣灵降在我们身上,就必得着能力,为耶稣作见证。The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgement. Through the ...
...rdquo;大卫没有因着扫罗说的话感到害怕而退后,反而因着自己的信心影响了扫罗, David did not retreat in
fear because of what Saul said but instead influenced Saul with his faith. 扫罗对大卫说:“你可以去吧!耶和华必与你同在。” Saul said t...
...sending Your servants to remind me to turn back.主啊,你救我不救你自己,在客西马尼园的恳切祈求,只愿神的旨意成就,使我得了这份宝贵的救恩,Lord, You saved me at the cost of Your own life, and in the earnest prayer at Gethsemane, You only desired God's will...