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...丈地计划:我要做这,做那,我要赚多少钱…以为靠自己的双手可以掌握前途,改变命运。We once made grand plans: I will do this, do that, and earn this much money, thinking that with our own hands, we could control the future and change our destiny. 走过很多...
发表于 2024-11-27 23:17:45

...伤使我得医治,他受刑罚使我得平安,他被神兴起不是为自己,乃是我这个罪人,兴起的代价不是自己享受尊荣,而是为全人类的罪受尽苦痛,神的公义倾倒在他身上,他独自默默承受这一切,只为成就父的旨意。Out of love, the H...
发表于 2024-05-02 19:49:39

...爱,恨神所恨,凡事以神为中心,单单讨祂的喜悦。保守自己的心思意念,行事为人彰显耶稣基督祂的品格。God is holy, and we must also be holy—having a zealous heart, loving what God loves, hating what God hates, centring on Him in everything, and seeki...
发表于 2024-11-17 21:55:58

...有行为是死的,我说爱你,信你,却不愿意在生活中否定自己,放下自己的权力,不尊你为大,就是我的罪了。Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. When I say I love You and trust You but refuse to deny myself in daily life, surrender my r...
发表于 2024-11-19 19:28:41

...ne this great thing and made it known to Your servant.大卫从不忘记他自己的卑微,他知道自己所有的一切都是神的恩典,对神心存感恩。David never forgot his own humility. He knew that everything he had was by God’s grace, and he was grateful to God. 经上...
发表于 2024-08-27 19:01:19

...我们未曾听完别人的话,已经大大发怒了,结果却发现是自己太着急,自己去判断,而显出愚昧。Everyone feels angry from time to time. After coming to faith in the Lord, overcoming anger is a daily battle we face. Often, we find ourselves becoming very angry before ...
发表于 2024-11-13 18:05:50

...gdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.约翰带领信徒明确自己的身份,我们知道我们是属神的,我们所思所想都是与神合一,思念的都是天上的事,属灵的事。John leaded believers to clarify their identit. We know that we a...
发表于 2025-01-03 00:01:32

...律法是属乎灵的,借着我们每天读神的话,靠着圣灵认出自己错误的动机,错误的想法,错误的行为,我们被光照,及时的悔改,Because the law is meant to make people aware of sin. We know that the law is spiritual. By reading God’s wordsevery day an...
发表于 2025-01-16 00:02:05

...ore like Yours.求主赦免我们以貌取人,轻看你的受膏者,把自己陷于不洁不义,让神国受损,让你的旨意受阻…Forgive us for judging by appearances, for despising Your anointed, and for trapping ourselves in unrighteousness, causing harm to Your kingdom and hin...
发表于 2024-08-13 19:38:38

发表于 2022-01-04 08:02:34
