... her, and sets an example of love for us all. 我们怎样保养顾惜自己的身体,As we care for our own bodies, so we are to sincerely love the church. 我们也诚心爱教会。操练凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,与基督合一,发挥圣灵所赐的...
...;s commands.然而实际生活中,屡次失败,屡次挣扎,也鼓励自己下次不要再犯同样的罪,下次要做好一些,没有想到很快又跌倒了。However, in real life, we fail and struggle repeatedly. We also encourage ourselves not to commit the same sin again and to do be...
谁能舍了自己的独生儿子,去救一个十恶不赦的罪人?我一定不会这样做。天父却甘心舍了自己所爱的独生子,使他降卑为人,成为奴仆的样子,来到我们中间。Who could sacrifice their only son to save a heinous sinner? I certainly would not. Ye...