...公义的审判者,定意等候神的时间,等候神来伸冤,决不自己动手,替神作主。David was deeply convinced that God is a righteous judge and resolved to wait for God's timing, waiting for God to avenge him, refusing to take matters into his own hands. 多年等候之后,...
保罗从圣灵领受自己在耶路撒冷将会受难,属灵同伴也苦劝他不要去,但他知道这是神要他做的事情。即或到耶路撒冷为主去受难而死,也在所不辞。Paul received from the Holy Spirit the revelation that he would suffer in Jerusalem. His spiritual co...
... is precious in the sight of the Lord! Amen! 主啊,你呼召我们丧掉自己之前,你先舍了自己。你叫我们与你同死,为使我们得着复活的生命!Lord, before you called us to deny ourselves, you first laid down your own life. You call us to die with you, that we might re...
...em.世人都犯了罪,亏欠了神的荣耀,但祂却救我们不救祂自己,因祂的顺服满足了神的公义,All people have sinned and fall short of the glory God, but He saved us instead of Himself, because His obedience satisfied God's righteousness.祂死我们活,...
...,知道惹事的根在乎神,万有都是神的仆役,我们就回到自己受造的本位。Yes, we must guard our hearts, more than guarding anything else, for all outcomes come from the heart. By faith, we know that the root of troubles lies in God, and all things are God's servants, and we...
... him up from the waters. 大卫一次次经历了神的拯救,不是自己有什么能力才干,而是在绝望中因信呼求,就看到神直接的介入。David experienced God's salvation time and time again, not because of his own abilities, but because he called out in faith during d...
‘你们’这里指公会,也包括官府、犹太长老、文士并祭司长等宗教权柄,本来是代表神来管理神子民的。"You" here refers to the guild, including government officials, Jewish elders, scribes, and high priests, who originally represented God in governing ...
...,看环境就惧怕,听从人的话,人都是瞎眼和说谎的。信自己,照着自己认为好的去行事,自己却是罪的奴仆。Lord, please forgive me for fearing the circumstances and listening to human words, for all men are blind and deceitful. I trust in myself and act accord...