...e powers in heaven were watching. How would the Son of God react? 世人看自己的尊严面子高过生命金钱... People often value their dignity and reputation more than life and money... 可为什么主可以在这个时候,能忍受如此的屈辱,却能像一只羔羊默默无声,不...
...of punishment. Upon hearing this, David was deeply troubled.他不想因为自己的罪,使整个属神的国遭受影响,面对神对他的管教,他说,他更情愿是落在耶和华的手里,因他信神是爱,耶和华有丰盛的怜悯。 He did not want his sin to affect the entire...
...话来行事的,神的话怎么说就必怎么成就,最后扫罗因信自己,拜自己,不拜神,不遵行神的道,不敬畏神,被神厌弃,自毁前程。God acts according to His word, and what He says will come to pass. Saul trusted in himself, worshipped himself instead of God...
...am instantly convicted by the Holy Spirit.他为我舍命,为救我不救自己,把我从罪恶中拯救出来,就是召我为福音成为那美好的见证。He gave His life for me, saving me from sins without saving Himself, calling me to be a good witness for the gospel.求主赦免,这...