...ith faith, without doubt, complaint, or retreat.靠主刚强争战,夺回自己失丧的领地,让基督在我生命中掌权,也为身边被掳的家人、肢体争战,扩展神的国度。I will fight with the Lord's strength, reclaiming my lost territory, allowing Christ to reign in my li...
...ieving only in what God said, knowing that human thoughts are futile.大卫自己虽在窘迫之中,当他听到非利士人攻击基伊拉,抢夺禾场,他心存使命,并没有选择自保,而是奋不顾身,以神的心为心,爱同胞胜于爱自己,Despite being in distress hims...
...rvival of our spiritual life hinges on our choices.若选择爱世界、爱自己、自保、向眼目的情欲,肉体的情欲妥协,满足自己的私欲,任意妄为,我行我素,这是一条宽路,却是引到灭亡的;If we choose to love the world, love ourselves, protect ourselv...
...,爱主的人更愿意与主亲近,和圣灵有好关系,他们放下自己吃喝的权力,为要得着圣灵更大的能力,为主而去。The greater the persecution of the church, the more miracles and wonders occur. The church is revived and filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who love ...
...and He will deal with each person according to their deeds. 我们也必照自己所行的承受后果。困苦的百姓,谦卑寻求神的子民,神必拯救。We will reap the consequences of our actions. The afflicted, the humble who seek God, will surely be saved by Him. 然而心中高傲...