...妙恩典,为救我不惜一切代价,使我们还活着的人不再为自己活,乃是为死而复活的主活。What marvelous grace, at any cost to save me, so that we who are alive may no longer live for ourselves but for the Lord who has resurrected from death. 我们若靠基督只...
...肉身的耶稣三年半,他的生命因与耶稣相交而改变。他将自己亲眼看过,亲耳听过,亲手摸过的,见证出来,传递给我们。神就是光,在他毫无黑暗!The Apostle John followed Jesus in the flesh for three and a half years, and his life was transformed ...
...ons and desires every day. 神叫属祂的儿女束上心中的腰,约束自己的心,警醒祷告,不放纵私欲,拒绝一切与神为仇的意念,God asks His children to prepare their hearts, restrain their desires, watch and pray, avoid indulging in lust, reject all thoughts that are ...