...,我虽在虚空之下,却可以脱离败坏的辖制,因为你将你自己赐在我里面。宝贝放在瓦器里,可以透出莫大的能力,But now I see that though I live under vanity, I can be freed from the bondage of corruption because You have given Yourself to dwell in me. This t...
... Holy Spirit so that we may be justified and victorious. 我们口里承认自己的罪,接受耶稣为主,心里相信耶稣所成就的救恩,我们就得着新生命,成为神的儿女。By confessing our sins, accepting Jesus as Lord, and believing in the salvation He accomplished, we re...
...人可以靠着行律法称义。律法如同一面镜子,让我们看见自己的罪,却无法使我们得洁净。For no one of flesh can be justified by works of the law. The law is like a mirror that reveals our sins, but it cannot cleanse us. 律法的总结就是基督。律法就像是一...