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...神的,耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话,一句都不落空,自己被神祝福,也祝福了那个时代;Those who fear the Lord have His presence, and their words do not fall to the ground; they are blessed by God and become a blessing to their time.不敬畏神的,必遭咒诅...
发表于 2024-07-02 19:47:07

... become stronger and stronger. 以神的心为心的领袖,不是为自己的荣耀而战,而是为了神的子民安定蒙福,以色列的复兴而战,神就使大卫无论往哪里去,神都使他得胜。A leader with God's heart does not fight for his own glory, but for the stabil...
发表于 2024-08-29 19:59:33

...cation with the Lord. 今天在我们里面有两个人,一个是自己,一个是基督的生命,当我们渴慕与主联合,渴慕祂的圣洁,就会竭力住在基督里,就不会持续犯罪;Today, there are two people in us: one is the old self, and the other is the life of...
发表于 2024-12-15 22:02:25

...改变, Many times, I long for transformation and changes in my life. 靠自己很努力改变现状,但很多的时候我都是经历失败,无望。I try hard to change my situation by myself but often end up experiencing failure and hopelessness. 主啊,如今你从死里复活,以圣...
发表于 2024-04-09 19:35:22

...cannot stop worrying. 我们知道要爱仇敌,可是当孩子不听自己的话,当配偶做事超出了自己能承担的预期…I know I should love my enemies, but when my child does not listen to me, or when my spouse does something beyond what I can bear… 虽有律...
发表于 2025-01-31 19:21:33

...s blood.。你被挂在木头上,没有因怕被定罪就恨人,反将自己交托按公义审判的主。You were hung on the tree, but You did not hate people because of fear of being condemned, but entrusted Yourself to the Lord who judges righteously.求圣灵更新我的观念,从前...
发表于 2025-01-30 22:30:01

以色列人有律法,有神的话,照自己的肉体的思想判断什么可以作,什么不可以作,The Israelites had the law and God’s word. They judged what was permissible and what was not according to their own fleshly thinking. 也奉献金钱,也在会堂服事。可是当...
发表于 2025-02-02 18:38:54

...与你同活…我们在各种各样的环境考试里,丧掉多少我,胜过多少罪和私欲,活出多少基督的得胜,我们的信心就必相应增长。"If we died with Him, we will also live with Him." In various trials, as we die to self, overcome sins and desires, and live...
发表于 2024-04-04 18:50:21

发表于 2023-06-23 20:54:04
