众民知道自己求立王的事是罪上加罪了,便对神所行的大事恐惧害怕,担心自己死亡。The people knew that their request for a king was a sin on top of their other sins, so they were terrified by the great things God was doing and worried to death. 尽管以色列人不...
...en were considered the weaker group. 彼得教导做丈夫如何对待自己的妻子,丈夫所做的一切都不是为着自己,而是为着荣耀神而行。Peter teaches husbands how to treat their wives—everything a husband does is not for himself but to glorify God. 妻子...
...d about Jesus, “Take him away! Crucify him!” 耶稣三次预言自己将要在耶路撒冷受苦、受辱、被害,但祂定意去到耶路撒冷,顺服至死,只为成就神的旨意。Jesus foretold three times that He would suffer, be humiliated, and be killed in Jerusalem. Yet,...
...我们是罪的奴仆。信了耶稣之后,神释放了我们,我们把自己献给神,甘心作神的仆人。然而我们里面还有一个旧人,旧人是卖给罪的。Before we believed in Jesus, we were slaves to sin. After believing in Jesus, God set us free, and we presented ourselve...