faith produces perseverance.属灵国度的得胜在乎我们时刻预备自己进入试炼,向肉体死向神活。The victory of the spiritual kingdom depends on our constant
preparation for trials, dying to the flesh and living for God.在追求属灵的道路上充满了各样的考试,...
...祂的圣洁。彼得再次的宣告:你们既因顺从真理,洁淨了自己的心,以致爱弟兄没有虚假,就当从心里彼此切实相爱。His precious blood is powerful and can cleanse our hearts from all filthiness, enabling us to live out His holiness. Peter declares again: Now t...
...属灵的少年人,是因他们经过前面有对罪的挣扎,又看见自己那么多的罪,就不再肯顺从自己了。John affirmed the young men, praising their strength because they kept the Word of God in their hearts and overcame the evil one. They become spiritual young men because t...