... the natural man is hostile to God. 因为律法要我们蒙光照,照出自己天然人的意思,与主基督同钉十字架。若我们觉得自己的意思很好,就是不服神的律法,就是不能服神。For the law requires us to be enlightened, to see that our natural thoughts must ...
...谦卑在主的面前,彼此顺服,以试炼为大喜乐,行公义在自己的身上,为众人作了榜样。He set an example by humbling himself before the Lord in all things, submitting to others, embracing trials as great joy, and acting with justice. In his own body, he set an example f...
保罗给信徒阐明真理,当看自己向罪是死的,向神是活的,并要拿出一个坚决的态度,不容罪在我们必死的身上作王, In this passage, Paul explains to the believers the truth about living in victory over sin. He emphasizes that believers should consider thems...