...art is to see the children of God walking according to the truth. 人凭着自己行律法,不能遵行真理。Man, by his own strength, cannot fulfill the law, nor can he walk in truth. 若有人爱神,神是知道的。Whoever loves God is known by God. 惟有在环境中单单爱神,不爱...
...e all.为神得荣耀可以不顾性命,为弟兄、骨肉之亲,就是自己被咒诅,与基督分离,他也愿意。他为我们做了敬虔的榜样,忠心于主的托付,爱神爱人讨神喜悦。He was willing to risk his life to glorify God and even expressed willingness to be cur...