...ing, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上,神将祂公义的忿怒都倾倒在祂爱子的身上,God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all, God poured out His righteous wrath upon His beloved Son. 耶稣背负世人罪孽遭父神撇弃,...
...d,被神击打苦待了。afflicted by God, "哪知祂为我们的过犯和罪孽受害。"But little did we know, he was suffering for our transgressions and sins."若不流血,罪就不得赦免!"Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins!"天父宁愿舍去爱子,The Fat...