耶稣一步一步奔向神的旨意,为罪人背着沉重的十字架,Jesus, step by step, pressed on towards the will of God, bearing the weighty cross for the sake of sinners, 受尽罪人的凌辱,百姓在那里观看并讥笑、戏弄、辱骂他,摇着头说:enduring their scorn an...
世人都犯了罪,谁肯救罪人,谁能救罪人呢?当耶稣道成肉身来到地上时,要把祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。完成这使命的代价却是舍了自己的生命。All people in the world have sinned. Who is willing to save sinners?
Who can save sinners? When Jesu...
... 我们的天然人,喜欢审判人,定人的罪,却不能怜悯罪人,更做不到爱仇敌,为仇敌舍命。当我们自己犯罪跌倒时,会在圣洁公义的神面前祈求:Our natural selves are inclined to judge and condemn others, unable to extend mercy to sinners, let al...