... solve the problem of sin and curse.惟有神所差来的耶稣,舍命救罪人。祂担当我们的罪和咒诅,我们才得着真正的平安和喜乐。惟有祂是万王之王,万主之主!Only Jesus, sent by God, gave his life to save sinners. He bore our sins and curses, and only then ...
...王,来到地上降卑为人,把自己打造成奴仆的样式,为救罪人,顺服至死且死在十字架上,父得了荣耀,救恩成了。Lord, You are the Lord of missions, the Most High King, who humbled Yourself and came to earth to become a man. You took&n...
...神的儿子,降卑为人,为要完成天父的旨意,把我们这些罪人从罪恶中拯救出来。Jesus Christ, the Son of God, humbled Himself to become a man in order to fulfil the will of the Heavenly Father and save us sinners from sins.祂经历了各样的试炼,祂相信这是神...
...你赐我们口才,开福音的门,把那像你一样,谦卑舍命爱罪人,时时挂念灵魂的心肠做成在我们里面,让我们忠心这劝人与神和好的职分。Grant us eloquence, open doors for the gospel, and implant in us a heart like Yours, humble and willing to sacrifice ...
...全是恩言。在十字架上,最痛的时候,你还在为我们这些罪人祈求父的赦免。Lord, there is no deceit in Your mouth. When You came to earth, You were despised and rejected, unjustly accused and condemned. Yet all that came from Your mouth were words of grace. Even ...
...召,你道成肉身来到地上,不是为自己,乃是为全人类的罪人,世人都犯了罪亏缺了神的荣耀。Yes, Your mission is our mission, Your calling is our calling. You, the Word made flesh, came to earth not for Yourself, but for all humanity, who have sinned and fallen shor...
...作王,让我们的爱心扎根在基督里面,有根有基,活出爱罪人的生命。 By faith, let Christ increasingly and abundantly reign within us, so that our love is rooted in Christ, with firm foundations, living out lives of love for sinners. 也求你赐我们刚强、仁爱、谨...
...age rejoicing, and the gospel spread further. 先知预言耶稣为救罪人要做代罪的羔羊,他道成肉身,降卑来到地上,The prophet foretold that Jesus would be the sacrificial lamb to save sinners. The Word became flesh, humbling Himself to come to earth.为全人类的罪...
... is a picture of grace. 我们原本也是瘸腿,瞎眼,与神为仇的罪人,神却差了爱子耶稣为我们舍命流血,我们成为神家里的人。We, too, were once spiritually crippled, blind, and enemies of God, but God sent His beloved Son, Jesus, to shed His blood for us, making ...