...ep led to the slaughter.耶稣的口里和心里没有怨恨苦毒,还为罪人祈求…耶稣教导我们要爱仇敌,也亲自为我们做了榜样。There was no bitterness in Jesus’ words or heart, and He prayed for sinners... Jesus taught us to love our enemies, and He Himse...
...初得着圣灵,不是因自己有好行为,是因着信自己是一个罪人,需要耶稣的拯救…We receive the Holy Spirit not by our good deeds, but by acknowledging our sinfulness and need for Jesus' salvation…耶稣说:天国近了,你们要悔改。” Jesus said,...
... sacrifice: the life of His beloved Son, Jesus. 爱到极处,神愿意为罪人牺牲独生子,为要拯救我们的生命,还有什么好处会保留不给祂所爱的子民?To the utmost, God was willing to sacrifice His only Son for sinners, to save our lives. If He has given us His very ...
... forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". 在我还作罪人,无知的时候,主就为我而死。爱,拯救了我。While I was still a sinner, and ignorant, the Lord died for me. Love saved me. 主啊,谢谢你不救自己,为救我脱离罪恶、死亡和...
...ss. How others behave is not our responsibility—it is Yours.我们是罪人蒙恩,我们的肉体是卖给罪的,是无有良善,需要每天每时与你对焦,为罪为义为审判自己责备自己,及时处理罪的问题,因罪的工价是大的。We are sinners saved by grace....
...主来的日子,越来越近了。那日子是大而可畏的!主怜悯罪人,但断不会违背祂圣洁公义的本性。主啊,我们还有许多未得之地…The various disasters foretold by the Lord continue to unfold, and the day of His coming draws closer and closer. Those days...
... by people, but chosen and precious in God’s sight. 我们都是罪人蒙恩,每个人都遭遇过拒绝,我们也曾拒绝和伤害过他人。We are all sinners who have received grace. Everyone has faced rejection. We have also rejected and hurt others.神赐下被人拒绝的考...
...sed to share the spoils with the 200 who did not participate in the battle.罪人的本相是只看到自己的付出,不肯把好处给别人。The nature of sinners is to focus only on their own efforts and not to extend benefits to others.但是大卫深知,这一切的战利品是神所赐...
...dy of death?感谢天父,赐下祂的独生儿子!耶稣来为了拯救罪人,圣灵住在我们里面,我们成为新造的人!在人不能的,在神凡事都能!靠着耶稣,我们可以重新再活一次!Thank God for giving His only Son! Jesus came to save sinners. The Holy Spi...