...照父的旨意行,他舍下尊贵华冕,道成肉身来到地上,为罪人甘心牺牲自己,把伟大的救恩带到这世界,让信的人不至灭亡反得永生。Thus, Jesus came according to the will of the Father. He laid aside His glorious crown and became flesh, willingly sacrific...
...百夫长亲眼目睹了耶稣全程没有咒骂、怨恨、苦毒,还为罪人代求…Eight-inch nails pierced His hands and feet... The centurion witnessed Jesus endure the entire process without cursing, resentment, or bitterness, and even intercede for sinners...那一刻,遍地都黑...
...s, “The one who practices righteousness is righteous.”神不听罪人的祈祷,惟有敬奉神,遵行祂旨意的,神才听他。God does not listen to the prayers of sinners, but He hears those who worship Him and do His will. 因此我们需要彼此认罪,互相代求,使我...
...d, but I am accepted; you were cursed, but I am blessed. 主耶稣为拯救罪人,亲自道成了肉身降生为人子,Lord Jesus, to save sinners, personally became flesh and was born as the Son of Man. 祂撇弃万有、撇弃荣耀尊贵,选择马槽,选择一无所有,选择十字架...
...them, for they do not know what they are doing."主啊,你在我还在作罪人的时候,你就为我死,Lord, You died for me while I was still a sinner,你的爱就向我显明了,Your love was revealed to me,救我不救你自己,saving
me without saving Yourself,把爱活在伤口,s...
...ep led to the slaughter.耶稣的口里和心里没有怨恨苦毒,还为罪人祈求…耶稣教导我们要爱仇敌,也亲自为我们做了榜样。There was no bitterness in Jesus’ words or heart, and He prayed for sinners... Jesus taught us to love our enemies, and He Himse...
...初得着圣灵,不是因自己有好行为,是因着信自己是一个罪人,需要耶稣的拯救…We receive the Holy Spirit not by our good deeds, but by acknowledging our sinfulness and need for Jesus' salvation…耶稣说:天国近了,你们要悔改。” Jesus said,...
... forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". 在我还作罪人,无知的时候,主就为我而死。爱,拯救了我。While I was still a sinner, and ignorant, the Lord died for me. Love saved me. 主啊,谢谢你不救自己,为救我脱离罪恶、死亡和...
...ss. How others behave is not our responsibility—it is Yours.我们是罪人蒙恩,我们的肉体是卖给罪的,是无有良善,需要每天每时与你对焦,为罪为义为审判自己责备自己,及时处理罪的问题,因罪的工价是大的。We are sinners saved by grace....