... is the mark of a disciple of Jesus. 神就是爱。当我们还在作罪人时,耶稣就为我们舍命,主的爱在此向我们显明。这爱不是隐瞒罪,不是纵容罪,是耶稣代替我们受死,将我们的罪归到他自己身上。God is love. While we were still sinners, ...
...来的异象,故此没有违背过,可以为此不顾性命,宁可得罪人也不得罪神,宁可死也要顺服神的旨意,坚定的完成神的托付和使命。I have been chosen by the Lord to understand His will and to bear witness to Him to all people about what I have seen and hear...
...出树。从一个人的言行上,可以反应出这人是义人,还是罪人。Those who practise righteousness are righteous, just as the Lord is
righteous. You can recognise a tree by its fruit. A person’s words and deeds reflect whether they are righteous or a sinner. 我们信...
... We were originally separated from God.因着耶稣从高天降卑,来到罪人中间,为我们的罪流血舍命,救了我们脱离黑暗的权势,把我们迁到爱子光明的国度里。Yet, because Jesus descended from heaven, lived among sinners, and shed His blood to die for our sins,...
...ived redemption yet forgotten this grace. 主,你恨恶罪恶,却怜悯罪人,你不愿我们落在咒诅和审判之中,你愿我们得拯救,得赏赐。Lord, You hate sin but have mercy on sinners. You do not desire that we fall under curse and judgment; You desire for us to be saved an...