...在各种各样的环境考试里,丧掉多少老我,胜过多少罪和私欲,活出多少基督的得胜,我们的信心就必相应增长。"If we died with Him, we will also live with Him." In various trials, as we die to self, overcome sins and desires, and live out Christ's victory, our...
...o;s life as a reward.当试验来临时,撒但常常会来试探我们的私欲,引诱人犯罪,使人落在咒诅之下。Yet, when trials come, Satan often tempts our desires, leading people to sin and fall under a curse. 信主后,我们仍然带着过去所形成的坚固营垒,...
...the Father but from the evil one.撒旦来就是偷窃杀害毁坏,暗嫩私欲满足之后,反目成仇,暗嫩却极其恨他玛。那恨她的心,必先前爱她的心更甚,冷酷无情的赶走他玛。Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. After Amnon's lust was satisfied, he turned...
...在乎我们平时顺从谁,喂养谁?听从神?还是顺从自己的私欲?All who sin are slaves to sin. In the battle between the new nature and the old, who will win? Who do we obey and feed in our daily lives? Do we obey God, or do we obey our own desires? 亚当顺从怀疑、不...