...resurrection life!主,求你赦免我的自我中心,爱自己,顺从私欲,落在咒诅之下…Lord, forgive my self-centeredness, my love for myself, and my submission to fleshly desires that have led me under a curse... 你为我而死,我要为你而活!圣灵啊,求你时时...
...罪的时候我们就属魔鬼。什么时候一而再,再而三的顺从私欲犯罪,就掉进魔鬼的网罗。After we believe in the Lord, we belong to God, and when we sin, we belong to the devil. When we obey our lusts and sin again and again, we fall into the snare of the devil.犯罪是...
...主赦免,我们常常忘记自己的本相,走了押沙龙的路,被私欲迷惑,心地刚硬,想高、争权夺利、虚荣、图谋大事,Please forgive us, Lord. We often forget our true selves, walk the path of Absalom, are deceived by selfish desires, harden our hearts, seek power ...
... 顺服撒旦,照着自己心中所喜好的去行,放纵自己的私欲,爱世界,拜自己,贪图各样的虚名、虚荣、财力…submitting to Satan, following the desires of their own heart, indulging in lusts, loving the world, worshipping themselves, and coveting false f...
...当光,恨那纠正我、爱我的肢体,却爱那叫我死在罪中的私欲;爱那恨我害我的魔鬼,却恨那爱我为我舍命的神!Lord, when I believe in the values of the world, I also regard light as darkness and darkness as light. I hate those who correct and love me, yet I lo...
...、胜过罪的能力,都在圣灵里面。求圣灵治死我旧人里的私欲和恶行,使我按着恩膏的教训住在主里面,Lord, I want to return to You. All wisdom, knowledge, and the power to overcome sin are in the Holy Spirit. I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death the selfish desi...
...一同承受生命之恩的,理当竭力抵挡一切的诱惑、试探、私欲,尽丈夫的本分,承担自己的责任,爱妻子就像爱自己的身体,因为妻子比丈夫软弱。Wives are a gift from God, co-heirs of the grace of life. Husbands must resist all temptations, desires, ...
...大卫一生寻求神,并不是为了解决问题,不是为了自己的私欲达成,而是为了高举神的名,使神得荣耀。David understood that the Lord of hosts was the God who ruled over Israel and was the true King of Israel. Hallowed be the name of God! David’s lifelong pur...