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...ly He is the King of kings and Lord of lords! 主,当我照着自己私欲偏要行,只想自己的意思成就,要让身边的人听我的,遇到事情如神一样判断善恶,审判别人…Lord, when I choose to act according to my own lusts, only wanting my own will to be acc...
发表于 2024-07-08 19:42:58

...resurrection life!主,求你赦免我的自我中心,爱自己,顺从私欲,落在咒诅之下…Lord, forgive my self-centeredness, my love for myself, and my submission to fleshly desires that have led me under a curse... 你为我而死,我要为你而活!圣灵啊,求你时时...
发表于 2024-10-01 19:08:12

...n prayer.主啊,求主圣灵赐下圣洁的火,烧尽我们的邪情和私欲,带领你百姓真实的悔改,离弃罪恶,承认你名,把你放在第一位,成为我们的异象,凡事以祷告祈求寻求你的面,带着使命,在信心中与主同行,见证荣耀的救主。...
发表于 2024-05-11 02:27:30

...主赦免,我们常常忘记自己的本相,走了押沙龙的路,被私欲迷惑,心地刚硬,想高、争权夺利、虚荣、图谋大事,Please forgive us, Lord. We often forget our true selves, walk the path of Absalom, are deceived by selfish desires, harden our hearts, seek power ...
发表于 2024-09-10 19:47:36

...当光,恨那纠正我、爱我的肢体,却爱那叫我死在罪中的私欲;爱那恨我害我的魔鬼,却恨那爱我为我舍命的神!Lord, when I believe in the values of the world, I also regard light as darkness and darkness as light. I hate those who correct and love me, yet I lo...
发表于 2024-09-11 18:33:46
