...啊,我们何等需要你的怜悯,除去我们肉体和肉体的邪情私欲,竭力住到主里,默想你的律例典章,恶者就无法害我们。Lord, how much we need Your mercy. Let us remove our flesh and its evil desires, strive to live in the Lord, and meditate on Your laws and re...
...智慧,不与属血气的争战,靠着你的能力,与自己的罪和私欲争战,与背后的黑暗权势争战到底!Lord, open my spiritual eyes that I may receive wisdom from above by believing in Your word, not contending with flesh and blood but, by Your strength, fighting against my...
...世界,不与世俗为友,不体贴肉体,把肉体和肉体的邪情私欲钉在十架上,敬畏神,单单讨父的喜悦,与主同行! We will love what You love and hate what You hate. Be humble and obedient, pursue loving one another, and live in peace with one another. Do not...
...,需要我们更加警醒,依靠十字架,对付我们肉体的邪情私欲…堵住一切的破口…Through this event, God intended to warn His church that while they pursued revival and being filled with the Holy Spirit, the risk of being attacked internally by the enemy was also...
...弃绝各种谎言,把信心的锚抛向耶稣和你的话语,向己的私欲死,向神的真理活,经历复活的大能,活出喜乐刚强的生命,也去影响和安慰在患难中的人。Help me to abandon all lies, cast the anchor of faith in Jesus and Your Word, and die to my self...
...d, a holy God. Let me also be holy. 如今将这个肉体与肉体的邪情私欲与主同钉十字架,死就死吧,Crucified with the Lord, Now I nail this flesh and its sinful desires to the cross with You. 每天活出即或不然的信心经历你复活的大能荣耀主名。Let me live eve...
...self-centred, have no regard for God, are accustomed to sin,放纵肉体的私欲,随着肉体和心中所喜好的去行,享受罪中之乐,本为可怒之子。他们与神没有任何关系,未曾看见也未曾认识祂,因犯罪的就是魔鬼。indulge in the desires of the flesh, fo...
...啊,为要得着圣灵的浇灌,将我里面的骄傲、世俗、肉体私欲各种的罪全然倒空,预备心迎接考试,警醒祷告,听命神而行,只愿你的旨意成就。Lord, to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, empty me of pride, worldliness, and all kinds of sins, a...
...a curse. 求你赦免我,专注做事,不顾内心,放纵了肉体的私欲,错过了许多得着你丰盛生命的机会。Forgive me for being so focused on my works, neglecting my heart, indulging the desires of the flesh, and missing many opportunities to receive the fullness of Your lif...