...we must obey You. 主啊,求你兴起我们成为祷告的大军,堵上破口,照着你的旨意祈求,凭着信心,在忍耐等候中,不停止为万国万民祈求争战。你必回应。 Lord, please raise us up to be an army of prayer, to plug the gaps, pray according to Your will, r...
...loyal to the house of God, 竭力追求,勇敢站出来,堵住教会的破口,打那美好的胜仗,为神的家、神的名、神的荣耀,为神的心意赢得更多人的灵魂。pursuing with all our strength, standing bravely, blocking the breach in the church, and fighting the good f...
...;s spiritual connection with God. 情感灵里合一,不给撒旦留破口(林前7:3-5) 。Emotional and spiritual unity leaves no room for Satan (1 Cor 7:3-5). 耶稣如何爱教会,丈夫也要如此爱自己的妻子。妻子因爱所感,被敬重,同心起来爱主,顺服丈...