...very effort.一个人在基督里殷勤,付代价,在信心、德行、知识、节制、忍耐、虔敬、爱弟兄的心、爱众人的心上不断地加添,A person who is diligent in Christ pays the price and constantly adds to their faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, piety,...
... Jew?"不是那些外面做割礼的以色列人,不是头脑许多圣经知识,靠着外在做好,却还在求人的荣耀的人。It is not those Israelites who are circumcised on the outside, nor those who have an abundance of Bible knowledge in their heads, who rely on outward goodness but...
...ayers:主啊,感谢你告诉我,不是我头脑里知道了一个真理知识,就能释放我,原来是赐生命圣灵的律在基督里会释放我。Lord, I thank You for showing me that it is not mere knowledge of truth that sets me free, but rather, it is the law of the Spirit of life in...
... He was filled with the Holy Spirit.圣灵是神的灵;是真理、智慧知识和启示的灵,谋略和能力的灵,一切学问智慧,神本性一切的丰盛都在神的圣灵里面。The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God—the spirit of truth, wisdom, knowledge, revelation, strategy, ...