...滞不前,原来都是因为顺从了自己天然人的思想,吃分辨善恶树的果子,就死了,又与神隔绝了。It turns out that "obey the flesh or the Holy Spirit" is so important on the road to believing in the Lord. Life does not progress and stagnates. It turns out that it is a...
...ease and laziness, and to make me rely closely on You!主啊,你是葡萄树,我们是枝子,帮助我们住在你里面,被你修剪,被圣灵引导,行你所喜悦的,结出果子来荣耀你。Lord, You are the vine and we are the branches. Help us to abide in You, to be pruned by Y...
...啊,我们曾经信过各种宗教,拜过各种偶像…钱财,知识、势力、才能、任何有形无形的名,也都不能救我们脱离罪和死亡的权势。Lord, we have believed in various religions and worshiped various idols—money, knowledge, power, talents, and any t...